Job Instruction (JI) Develops process stability by developing the “one best way” to do a job, and creates a solid training foundation for improvement programs. Learn More
Job Relations (JR) Teaches supervisors how to handle relationship issues with a people-centric view and prevent them from happening. Learn More
Job Safety (JS) Provides a framework for supervisors to engage employees in identifying potential hazards, eliminating them and preventing their recurrence. Learn More
Job Methods (JM) Encourages higher productivity and output by improving the way jobs get done and eliminating, combining, rearranging and simplifying steps in the process. Learn More
TWI Problem Solving (PS) Consolidates and integrates the proven TWI programs of JI, JR and JM, enabling frontline supervisors and workers to be self-sufficient and solve the problems they face more quickly and collaboratively. Learn More
Introduction to Practicing Kata Provides expert guidance in Improvement Kata by setting your goal, establishing current and target conditions, identifying obstacles, introducing PDCA-based experimentation, and practicing Coaching Kata while being mentored by TWI Institute Certified Trainers. Learn More
Driving and Coaching Improvement Gives executives and managers everything they need to begin the Kata journey and put programs into practice at their organizations through a week-long, hands-on program. Learn More
Foundations and Simulation Melds Kata practice routines with a realistic, hands-on simulation, which creates an authentic foundation for teams in a variety of industries and organizational roles. Learn More
Standardized Work The bedrock foundation for all improvement programs, Standardized Work defines a standard for any given process and these standards become the common reference points for the way a task is performed. Standardized Work fights instability and its negative effects. Learn More
TWI Institute’s advice and training opened our eyes to the fundamentals we needed to achieve our improvement goals. Without these fundamentals, there would be no improvement. Skip Steward, Vice President and Chief Improvement Officer From Baptist Memorial Health Care Skip Steward, Baptist Health Care, Improvement (Continuous Improvement, Kaizen Training, Leadership Dev and Custom Solutions Page)