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TWI Frontline Leadership Development

What is Frontline Leadership?

Not everyone is a born leader, but workplace leadership is a skill anyone can learn.

Frontline leadership combines the practical skills required to manage frontline workers and the ability to make decisions that benefit the overall success of the organization. A frontline supervisor becomes a leader once their teams trust them and actively want to follow their direction. When equipped with the right tools, frontline leaders can help instill a lasting culture of improvement in your organization.

The TWI Frontline Leadership Development Program builds strong, relevant skills in the people directly responsible for delivering everyday business results. Built on a foundation of Training Within Industry (TWI) Five Skills Training, this program leads to structured frontline leadership development becoming “just the way we do things” in your organization.

Achieving Operational Excellence Through Frontline Leadership Development

To accelerate the development of Essential Frontline Leadership (EFL) Skills, this program incorporates foundational TWI Five Skills methodology. Upon completion of the TWI Frontline Leadership Development Program, participants should be able to coach the same skills to their teams.

The diagram illustrates how direction and focus applied by the leadership team elevates frontline leaders, who are supported by core Five Skills training that empowers them to deliver meaningful business results.

The TWI Frontline Leadership Development Program includes a critical additional skill: 

  • Daily Management: Teaches supervisors how to deliver expected business results — day after day after day — through the use of visual controls, team meetings and Leader Standard Work*.

*Leader Standard Work: A set of recurrent management practices, tools and skills that become standardized in a supervisor’s daily and weekly routine.


20 Essential Skills Your Frontline Leaders Need

Benefits of Frontline Leadership Development Training

Based on the principles of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle and train-the-trainer model, this program provides the organizational structure and support needed to ensure ongoing use of EFL Skills by frontline supervisors.

When equipped with the right tools, supervisors grow into true leaders who can:

  • Regularly deliver superior business results
  • Build their team’s capability to solve problems and improve processes
  • Improve employee engagement and morale
  • Reinforce organizational values on a day-to-day basis
  • Show their teams the value of collective continuous improvement
  • Create a sustainable internal coaching program

More Benefits

What Our Clients Say

Quality improved, errors reduced, training time lowered. Huge win. Overwhelmingly positive.
Mark Anderson, Senior Manager From Amazon Fulfillment
Mark Anderson, Amazon Fulfillment (Leadership Dev and Distribution Page)


Increase in productivity


Reduction in training time


Reduction in employee turnover


Fewer Accidents
These statistics represent documented composite results from actual improvements measured in client engagements and tracking metrics from the U.S. government.

Frontline Leadership Development Training Program Structure

This program is ideal for organizations that have previously implemented Job Instruction (JI), Job Methods (JM) and Job Relations (JR). Our team then works with yours to identify remaining constraints, review existing leadership development efforts and tailor our three-year training curriculum to integrate with your organization’s processes.

Throughout the training timeline, your team will have access to TWI Institute Trainers and Senior Consultants who will provide expert guidance and support.

Frontline Leadership Development Addresses Problems at the Source

​​Lack of Engagement

Involve supervisors, teams and workers in ideation and solutions to increase engagement and enthusiasm. Program

Stalled Improvement Initiatives

When leadership teams support a culture of improvement, employees learn to recognize problems and propose solutions.

Resistance to Collaboration

Aligning your team’s work with your organization’s vision builds more productive supervisor-worker relationships.

Skills Gaps

Keep your team agile by providing opportunities for upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling.


Develop work standards as the baseline for improvement.

Our end-to-end approach sets us apart

Our proven methods stretch far beyond essential TWI, Kata and Standardized Work training. From initial preparation to ongoing consulting, we prepare people and workplaces for continuous improvement, better outcomes and increased engagement.
  1. 1
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Step One:

We start with an assessment and provide tailored recommendations for your workers and your workplace. KPIs are set, a communication strategy is planned and workforce orientation begins.

Step Two:

Supervisors, team leaders and those who direct the work of others attend, participate and learn in our cornerstone programs: TWI, Kata and Standardized Work.

Step Three:

We work with you to plan a pilot program and teams begin to learn by doing. Through workplace practice and coaching, we help students accept the ideas and put them to work. We’re with you through every step of the journey.

Step Four:

We assess learning, validate pilot results, incorporate skills into routines, evaluate practices and culture, and measure performance against KPIs.

Step Five:

We execute worker and workplace certifications, including TWI Certification (student and trainer), Kata Certification (student and trainer), and Train-the-Trainer Certification.

Step Six:

We stay connected with planned reassessments, KPI checks, remedial coaching, and re-certifications to protect and grow your return on investment.

Ready to get started?