Recommended Learning Pathway

The following pathway is what we recommend to receive the fullest benefits of Training Within Industry. Our team will always consult with you to determine which set of courses will be most impactful. Ultimately there is no static learning pathway — even if you want to take just one course, it's about what’s best for you.
Learning Pathway Image
Step 1
Job Instruction, Job Relations, & Job Safety
JI, JR and JS create a foundation for skills training and employee management. Though JI is a great first step, any of these courses can be taken first. We do recommend that these concepts be taught and implemented before moving on to the next level.
Step 2
Job Methods & Standardized Work
With the foundations in place, now comes the time to improve the "one best way" to get work done and ensure that improvement is continuous and sustainable. You can opt to practice JM on its own, or participate in Standardized Work — which includes ALL of the JM curriculum.
Step 3
Problem Solving
With your system in place, now you need to keep it running smoothly. PS is the last step and offers a systemic approach to identifying issues and determining which of the previous approaches will offer the best solution.