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With TWI Institute partnership, CSP meets new technology standards for the new Corvette® while doubling and retraining the workforce.

The new Corvette C8 had to fill a very big bill – maintain General Motors and Chevrolet’s status as an automotive legend, but propel it to new levels of performance and demand for audiences and markets far beyond its historical highways and byways. Continental Structural Plastics (CSP) played a critical role in the C8’s launch plans – it developed and produced the Corvette’s sculptured and dramatic body panels.

There was a lot riding on the launch. This car made a lot of promises and to deliver on them GM® and Chevy® pushed the design and technological envelopes, as well as elevating quality and delivery standards for supply-chain partners like CSP.

Listen to Wayne Meyer, CSPs Director of Operational Excellence, for an inside look at what it took to live up a legend. As NBC News reported, “All told, critics have hailed the (new Corvette) as not only the most capable Corvette ever produced but, perhaps more significantly, the first to pose a serious challenge to the likes of the best exotic sports cars from Europe.” In this interview with Patrick Graupp, Vice President and Senior Master Trainer at TWI Institute, Mr. Meyer reveals what it took to not only deliver on the promises but do it in a way that improved the performance of its business and people.

View Wayne Meyer’s interview here.

To read our Client Case Snapshot about CSP’s TWI Institute implementation, click here.

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The Impact of TWI Job Relations (JR) at Norton McMurray

Norton McMurray is a manufacturing company, but the core of its business is developing people.

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